Thursday, September 20, 2007

Approaching the end of my endless vacation

It's nearly the fourth week of September and I'm still on summer vacation. Classes finally begin next Monday, which I'm looking forward to with great anticipation, not leastly because underemployment isn't as exciting or sexy as it's made out to be on MTV, the WB or the OC.

I found a part-time job with a school about 10 minutes away from my house. The most attractive feature of this school is that it pays reasonably well and it uses a system of English instructor that requires almost no lesson planning. Basically I ask the student a question, they parrot back to me the answer, and we continue this process for about an hour. I told my Catholic roommate that my new role isn't disimilar from a priest leading the liturgy, except instead of offering the Eucharist I am offering English lessons. Maybe correcting bad grammar is like hearing confession. I haven't yet figured out an analogy for last rites.

So I begin tomorrow. I think it'll be much more laid back than my first english teaching gig in Istanbul. More info to come later.

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