Sunday, September 16, 2007

Private teacher extraordinaire

I have eight more days until grad school classes start so this week I will focus on finding people to give private English lessons. I'm not doing this because of my love of English teaching but because its the fastest, easiest way to earn money and will keep me out of poverty while I'm a grad student. I put a posting on craigslist and got some responses; tomorrow I will go to the Asian side and teach a 10-year-old for 90 minutes.

I've gotten other responses to my post that weren't such hot prospects. Last week I got a reply from an American-based company in Turkey called Gymboree, which is an early childhood development school. I thought that they wanted me to teach English to the staff, but upon arrival I discovered they wanted me to actually teach Turkish 2-6 year olds. Since Turkish kids are horrifyingly misbehaved and I have something of an Oliver Twist approach to child discipline ( my motto is that only salvation can eliminate original sin, but it can be contained by corporal punishment), I don't think it would be a good match. But I'm sure they can finding a nurturing teacher who wears denim jumpers and seasonal socks to fill their teaching post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come on Scott...we've all seen your denim jumper and festive pumpkin socks. It's nothing to be ashamed about.