Sunday, September 23, 2007

A new part-time job; a new semester

On Friday I began my new part-time, 10-hour-a-week job of English teaching. I predict this job will be fairly laid back because the school uses a system of English instruction called the Callan Method (registered trademark) which requires absolutely zero lesson planning from the teacher. Basically, my teacher's book has a slew of questions on each page that I ask the student, who then parrots back an answer to me.

For example:

Me: "Mehmet, do you enjoy traveling in your country?"

Mehmet: "Yes, I enjoy the traveling in the country."

Me: "No Mehmet, it's 'Yes, I enjoy traveling in my country.'"

Mehmet: "I am sorry, my teacher."

I like to call this method of teaching the Liturgy Method, since it's non-stop repetition. This gig won't be the most cerebral job that I've had, but it'll pay the bills and it's fairly low-maintenance.

Tomorrow I finally start classes. I'll have four grad classes that focus on various aspects on Ottoman history and culture and one undergraduate class on Ottoman Turkish (an old version of Turkish that is like King James English). The latter will be taught in Turkish, which hopefully won't be too daunting for me. But since I am one of the only native english speakers in the our English-based grad program, I guess its only fair that I take at least one class in my second language.

Classes start at 6 p.m. tomorrow. Later, gators.

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